Forum: sensitivity 1.4-0 on CRAN

Posted by: Gilles Pujol
Date: 2008-07-21 10:14
Summary: sensitivity 1.4-0 on CRAN
Project: sensitivity


The release 1.4-0 of the package sensitivity is now on CRAN. Below are the details of changes compared to the last version.

1. New functionalities
* sequential bifurcations method (function 'sb') [ALPHA VERSION]
* 3D plot (mu,mu*,sigma) for Morris's elementary effects method (function 'plot3d.morri's, needs the package 'rgl')
* simplex designs for Morris's elementary effects method (in function 'morris')
* multidimensional Sobol' indices (in function 'sobol')
* argument 'return.var' in functions 'sobol' and 'sobol2002' to return local variables which are not usually saved in the output object (e.g. bootstrap replicates)
* template files writing (function 'template.replace')
* new argument 'ylim' in plot functions to control the y-coordinate axis

2. Small changes in the functions
* several names of parameters and variables in the objects have changed
* the function 'srcpcc' has been cut in two: 'src' and 'pcc'
* the function 'sobol' has been cut in two: 'sobol' (original method) and 'sobol2002'
* function 'fast' has been renamed 'fast99'
* the space filling design optimization for Morris's method has been recoded in order to gain computing memory. However, it it less efficient than the previous version and have to be coded in C in a further version.

3. Documentation
* exhaustive documentation now, no more hidden functions !!
* scientific appendix has been supressed (too heavy to maintain).

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sensitivity 1.4-0 on CRAN

Gilles Pujol - 2008-07-21 10:14 -


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sobol2002 in sensitivity 1.4-0 package [ Reply ]
By: Ashley Moraski on 2008-12-03 21:08
Does anyone know what the response function is doing in sobol2002? I can't figure out where this function is.

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