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mvProbit error [ Reply ]
By: Will Goodman on 2019-12-17 17:51
I am trying to run this probit regression:
mvpresult <- mvProbit(cbind(PA_CHBRI_survey, Alcohol_CHBRI_survey, Smoking_CHBRI_survey, FV_CHBRI_survey, Fibre_CHBRI_survey, Fat_CHBRI_survey, Sugar_CHBRI_survey, RedMeat_CHBRI_survey, ProcessedMeat_CHBRI_survey) ~ s1_q1_age + s1_q2_sex + Highest_Education + Marital_Status + Ethnicity_Dichotomy + BMI + Time_Since_Recent_Cancer_Date+ s2_q3_Spread + Treatment + s2_q6_TotalComorbidities + s7_q1_ReducingAlcohol + s7_q1_StopSmoking + s7_q1_MoreExercise + s7_q1_MoreFruit + s7_q1_AvoidFat +s7_q1_LessRedMeat, data=mydata)

but I keep getting the error message: "Error in mvProbit(cbind(PA_CHBRI_survey, Alcohol_CHBRI_survey, Smoking_CHBRI_survey, : all dependent variables must be either 0, 1, TRUE, or FALSE"

I've double checked my dependent variables and they are all coming up as 0 and 1. I've tried runnning it with them as factors and just as numeric, I've also tried to simplify the model by taking variables out but it doesn't seem to make a difference to the error.

Is there something that I'm missing?

Thank you

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