Forum: depmixS4 version 0.2-0 now on CRAN

Posted by: Ingmar Visser
Date: 2008-07-30 17:23
Summary: depmixS4 version 0.2-0 now on CRAN
Project: depmixS4 - hidden Markov model classes


Most important changes include addition of more GLM distributions, addition of mix class to fit mixtures and latent class models, ie without dependencies, addition of a simulate function to generate new data from (fitted) models; finally, the help files have undergone major restructuring (as well as the internal structure of R files).

Latest News

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Ingmar Visser - 2019-01-14 07:17 -

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Ingmar Visser - 2013-09-20 22:33 -

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Ingmar Visser - 2013-09-19 09:28 -

depmixS4 version 1.2-0 on CRAN: support for missing data

Ingmar Visser - 2012-07-04 16:52 -


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