Forum: Version 1.0 of the R package "frontier" released

Posted by: Arne Henningsen
Date: 2013-07-07 22:11
Summary: Version 1.0 of the R package "frontier" released
Project: frontier: Stochastic Frontier Analysis


The R package "frontier" provides tools for analysing efficiency and productivity using the "stochastic frontier" approach. This R package is based on Tim Coelli's DOS software "FRONTIER 4.1" and has been available on CRAN for almost 5 years now. After many improvements of the source code and a few changes of the user interface in the beginning, the code and the user interface have been rather stable in the previous 2.5 years. The "frontier" package has been used by many R users and many applications have proven its reliability. Therefore, I have called the latest version of this package "1.0." This version is now available on CRAN. It is almost identical to the previous versions but it includes citation information and the argument "farrell" of has been renamed as "minusU" and the argument "farrell" of has been renamed as "effMinusU". The argument "farrell" can still be used for maintaining backward-compatibility.

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