Forum: analogue 0.5-1 bug-fix release

Posted by: Gavin Simpson
Date: 2008-04-26 12:17
Summary: analogue 0.5-1 bug-fix release
Project: analogue - quantitative palaeoecology


A new version of analogue was uploaded to CRAN this afternoon that fixes a number of bugs in version 0.5-0:

1) predict.wa not storing some aspects of the model fit
2) residuals were calculated back-to-front in some functions; the sign of residuals will be different now in wa(), predict.wa() and several of the mat() functions

The internal deshrinking functions were very much streamlined and improved, thanks to suggestions from Jari Oksanen. Jari has also joined the analogue development team and becomes an author of the package.


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analogue 0.5-1 bug-fix release

Gavin Simpson - 2008-04-26 12:17 -


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