Forum: RQDA 0.1-7 is sumbitted to CRAN

Date: 2009-05-15 10:51
Summary: RQDA 0.1-7 is sumbitted to CRAN
Project: RQDA: CAQDA with R


I just submitted RQDA 0.1-7 to CRAN today. It will be on CRAN soon. The new features are:
+ Attributes of file and case.
+ New function of GetAttr to get attributes. New function ShowSubset to push back subset of files to widget according to attributes.
+ Journal Tab for fieldwork journal.
+ New function of AddNewFileFun, now you can add new file from popup menu of file Tab.
+ New functions of GetFileIdSets, GetCaseId, GetCaseName and RQDAQuery, to make inquery more easier.
+ Function of retrieval is exported, New function of GetFileIdSets. They can be used together for flexible ways of retrieving codings.
+ New function of RQDA2tm (contributed by J-P Mueller)
+ Many popup menus are added to facilitate files organization.
+ gselect.list is exported.
+ Can delete multiple files in Files Tab.
+ Find a word and highlight it in the open file (via popup menu in File Tab).
+ Use Namespace now.
+ Other bugfixes.

As always, feedback, comment and suggestions are welcome.

If you have used RQDA 0.1-7 beta, you may need to run the following command as I have modified the data tables during the deveopment.
####### begin
if (! "journal" %in% dbListTables(RQDA:::.rqda$qdacon)) {
dbGetQuery(RQDA:::.rqda$qdacon, "create table journal (name text, journal text, date text, dateM text, owner text,status integer)")

if ("attributes" %in% dbListTables(RQDA:::.rqda$qdacon)) {
if (! "memo" %in% dbListFields(RQDA:::.rqda$qdacon,"attributes"))) {
dbGetQuery(RQDA:::.rqda$qdacon, "alter table attributes add column memo text")
##### end

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